The Blood Eagle
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PC is Driving White America INSANE...

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PC is Driving White America INSANE... Empty PC is Driving White America INSANE...

Post  MikeSandy Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:22 pm

Truth or Fiction from

Posted on December 22, 2013


This past week, the hypocrite Jewish-controlled US media went into another ridiculous circus act over Phil Robertson, one of those bearded guys on the A&E show “Duck Dynasty,” for saying what he thought about the homos and black civil rights. The supposed “controversy” brought out the same vitriolic White-haters as when southern TV cook, Paula Deen admitted once using the “N-word” about a million years ago.

Frankly, I don’t watch “Duck Dynasty,” since I really think this kind of crap is JEWISH MEDIA PROFITEERING and a form of ELITIST VOYEURISM – where urban, White-hating city creeps get off laughing about rural White America. Hell, many Hollywood movie scripts revolve around the same thing.

And sure, the White Duck brothers are sucking on the big tit, too.

Me not watching “Duck Dynasty” might surprise a few people out here in the “real world,” considering how much I like hunting and fishing, as well as NASCAR, guns, camouflage, moonshine (when I can get it), etc. etc. I once actually lived near where one of these redneck reality shows was videotaped (filmed is definitely not the right word). The whole show, BTW, was a big bunch of malarkey, but that story will have to wait.

This past Friday night, Chris Matthews on MSNBC was talking about all this Duck Dynasty BS and had the unbelievable nerve to say he didn’t know what “PC” or “politically correct” even meant, or where the term came from – acting like it didn’t really exist and was simply made up by all us “far-right extremist hater types.” What a disingenuous lying pig. God, I can’t stand that SOB!

On the flip side, all this brouhaha may even be a bunch of drummed up crap in the first place. Huh? Yep, these media Jews create all sorts of phony hoopla to stoke up interest in their crappy broadcasting. Hell, there’s no telling what’s real or what isn’t anymore. One thing for sure, is that “PC” is definitely a fact of social life among us little people out here — regardless of what that puffed-up libtard Matthews has to say.

America: Haven’t you had the least sneaking suspicion by now, that a third party is at work in today’s America? Maybe, just maybe, there’s something else going on here besides all the Lefty versus Righty crap? And that certain people out there wants you, the American general public, the silent majority, the unwashed masses, the hoi-polloi proletariat, to subscribe to one side or the other?

For example: Some so-called “patriotic” Americans might make the mistake of thinking i am a big lefty traitor guy and all, since I give the state of Israel — our “special little ally” – so much hell, but let me tell you, that’s simply a huge crock of crapola, too.

Back in the day, our founding fathers (all those dead old White guys wearing powdered wigs), didn’t want us to suck up to any foreign powers and do their bidding, quite possibly at the detriment of our own nation. These absolutely brilliant White men knew a thing or two about the real deal.

And I will readily admit that all this (at the time) was a Britain versus France thing. The Frenchie lovers didn’t really so much love France per se, like in tasty dining sauces or bow-legged French mademoiselles, but were for something called “egalitarianism.” Basically, they were against the hoity-toity Monarchists, who outlawed things us regular guys dig — like hunting in the woods for deer and making corn likker without having to give the fat cats a cut in the action.

The Brit lovers were indeed English people who still had an affection for where their grandpappys hailed from — even though they might hate that crazy King George bastard and his lackeys for sticking it to us all the time with ridiculous taxation schemes (meant to pay off the debt from the French and Indian wars), or forcing regular citizenry to allow dirty, farting redcoat soldiers to sleep in our homes while out marching around the countryside, etc., etc.

Now a lot of us so-called “anti-Semites” make a big deal about all the Jews working through-out the media (including me), but the real truth of the matter is that this is only a part of the over-all equation. After-all, these embedded Jews can’t be part of some vast, complicated and secret conspiracy like they laughingly say about us thinking.

Say what? What I’m saying here, is that a bigger, much more devious and effective cloaking device has been created by these people that mentally ensnares the White race, keeping us silent and in check, while gradually whittling down our political and racial power over the course of time.

Yes, it’s all part and parcel to being “politically correct” or “PC.” This keeps us White people from openly talking about a whole range of issues that affects our race. “They,” or the “powers that be” needn’t rely on punky-ass commie political commissars and secret police everywhere to enforce the mandated doctrines. At least not yet.

Another recent term that has come into vogue for PC is “Cultural Marxism,” but this also includes a wide variety of anti-Christian efforts. But “they” really want us to have a mental separation between loving blacks, Jews and homos, versus stifling Jesus worship so we don’t get too wise to the long-running agenda going down.

“PC” is indeed quite diabolical. Sure, I do love that word a lot, but it really sums up the PC blinders put on our race when you step back and look at the big picture.

“Insidious,” is another good adjective I use sometimes, too. After-all, PC does not require any physical, real world, infrastructure (other than money spent in media and education) and is self-perpetuating. Basically, it uses each of us to police ourselves.

Let’s say you consider yourself one of the “good guys.” Like most Americans, you don’t like seeing “powerless” people treated like dirt. Hell, you’re half-way there, for the over-all brainwashing strategy to work.

Now, this PC brainwashing is ostensibly to protect the “oppressed” blacks and supposed non-Whites (“people of color”) like Hispanics — which is totally bogus since people of Spanish descent are really Caucasian Whites too. What they are really doing is conflating Spanish of the Western Hemisphere with the Mestizos, who are an Indian race, more or less bastardized by Spanish and Black blood. That’s why I make efforts at distinction of Mestizos because I actually like Spanish people, especially the sultry babes.

I first learned of these differences from my high school Spanish teacher. She was a pissy old drunk Havana aristocrat who barely escaped Castro’s takeover of Cuba. As I recall her telling me, several members of her family met gruesome deaths at the hands of commie Fidel and his murderous biker bud, Che Guevara.

But it’s not just race, either. Us evil old White people also sometimes hate the Jews enough to go on what they called “pograms.” This is where Whites went haywire in Russia and rode horses into Jewish weddings, breaking the expensive china the poor Jews saved their rubles for years, broke all the windows in synagogues, and dragged hapless bearded Jews by rope through the muddy streets while laughing drunkenly. And it was only because we thought they killed baby Jesus or something.

All of which was BS, since Gentiles in Russia had become totally sick and tired of rich Jewry screwing them over (since the Czar emancipated them); plus Christian-hating commie and anarchist little Jews were out robbing and bombing anything to do with the Romanov orthodox Christian monarchy. For about a century, Khazar Jews (not the Israelites of the bible) worked hard to take over Russia as a race, while at the same time, selfish, greedy business Jews were raping the country. Sound familiar?

Basically, PC is a media-installed social taboo and psyops program, that the Globalist Jews have set up in the White countries of the West to protect themselves from the surrounding population of non-Jews, while they set up their race in control of our countries and actually use our labors to pay for our own race’s destruction.

I did say it was all pretty GD diabolical, didn’t I?

Whether the Jews are a separate race or just a religion is something a lot of people have pointlessly long argued about. Most Jews today are not at all religious people. Far from it, actually. Yet they often paint themselves as a racial minority to other minorities, even though they have White skin. Regular White people don’t know of this double face act and only go by what they see, thinking Jews are fellow Whites too.

The next victim class is the Homos. Because of the sex part, this also includes the Gender-benders — who might be homos or might not. It’s real confusing because of what they have betwixt their legs and who they like to sleep with. Seems you can be a male, who likes to dress like a female, but sleeps with lesbian women – which would kind of make both straight, at least technically, anyhow. But then again, I don’t know much of the “intimate” details since I’m not too keen on learning what these freaks get off on.

Now homos are nasty, narcissistic people. They get sick thrills one upping themselves in the nasty department. That’s why things always get sicker and sicker with this bunch (if you look close enough, you’ll find it easily).

PC expects us to picture homos as nice, normal, pleasant folks– wearing flannel shirts and corduroys – maybe married and living next door in suburbia with a pet Golden retriever. The reality is probably more like rubber suits, spiked collars and a German shepherd — well-trained for some really foul weekend crap.

There is so much unbelievably sick, depraved crap out there (cross dressers are the least of it), that most decent White people are clueless. Or more accurately: Regular White people just don’t want to know. A lot like the control Zionist Jewry has over America – THEY JUST DON’T WANT TO GD KNOW!

No one says you have to “hate the homos” just because the “change agents” think and say you do, even if you’re disgusted with how the pervs get off. Hell, the homo part is but a blip in the bigger picture of our race’s destruction at the hands of the stinking Jews.

What they want is to control us White people, keep us silent and intimidated as they continue using America in fashioning Global Governance (NWO), while at the same time gradually turn our race into a disenfranchised minority in our own lands.

(part 2)
December 27, 2013
Walter-LippmannWalter Lippmann, Jew Globalist and one of the founders of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), bragged in his books on how they manipulated the general public, who the self-elected elites consider as sheep. The arrogant bastards think being the “chosen ones” gives them the right to brainwash America and have been busy doing just that for decades – no wonder so many Whites are now screwed up in the head!

This is the kind of soft, Jewy faggot they are trying to turn us Americans into.

Indeed, these filthy Jew Globalists have worked over one hundred years towards the destruction of us White European people in America. No doubt at all. In 1909, wealthy Wall Street Jew, Jacob Schiff, the Rothschild’s man in America, quietly worked to merge the National Association of Colored People (NAACP) with the commie Niagra Movement and blacks led by W.E.B. duBois – right along with various White do-gooders and shabbos goys.

Now you might want to ask yourself this one highly illuminating question: What’s a supposed New Yorker “capitalist” like Jacob Schiff doing with the commies and jacking up the blacks? Folks, there’s been many rich Jews like Schiff who have done similar things. Multibillionaire George Soros (real name: Schwartz) is busy doing all this right the hell now. The filthy Jews as a whole have been silently re-engineering our White countries from the inside out and not just with race stuff, either, but Globalism, Zionism, Marxism, radical feminism, homosexual rights, mass immigration of non-Whites into our lands and even scientific subjects that tie-in with “PC” down the road, like anthropology, for crying out loud.

Not only is all this PC stuff messing with our heads, but have made blacks as mean as snakes. Hell, the GD trouble-making Jews have turned them into crazed, militant, White-hating wackos!

And quite a few Jews over the years have admitted to this PC business from the get-go. Indeed, it’s clear as day in all the movies from Jewish-owned Hollywood and TV. In fact, the PC crap and “black worship” is rapidly spinning out of control, becoming quite noticeable and extremely noxious to us regular decent and patriotic White people out here – people who in no way are haters and evil like they try to paint us all the time.

Little Jewry — your next door neighbor type — thinks America needs to be a “pluralistic” society, meaning we have to go along with all this multiculturism, so we can reach some imaginary land of unicorns and rainbows, where all of us dance and sing “Kumbaya” together. Not the kind of place for any evil Nazis, wearing brown or black uniforms and jack boots, goosestepping around the place.

These regular Jews believe they have a supposed mandate to fix the world. Called “tikkun olam,” this arrogant mindset comes from them believing they are God’s “Chosen Ones.” Even your atheist, non-religious Jew types think this kind of thing, weirdly enough. It never seems to register with them, all the destructive crap Jewy arrogance has created, like Marxism which has most definitely killed more people than anything else ever in the entire history of world, far more than anything White people have done, or supposedly done.

On the rare occasion, you’ll hear Jews make muffled reference to such things, but not go into any detail since Jews are scared that other Jews will scream about them being “self-hating,” if they let on too much to the Goyim.

It’s often noted how Jewry has an infuriating way of ignoring anything that might incriminate them. This strange form of lying has been bred in them over the centuries as a fail-safe device to keep moral incongruities from messing with the rabbi’s Judaic Talmudic control — designed from the beginning to insulate their race from merging with the rest of humanity. This whole business has been responsible for a lot of BS in history.

Hell, what other race in history has been kicked out of every country they have ever lived? And what bunch changes their names all the time to something less Jewy sounding?

But PC covers up all of this from non-Jews. Your media people know quite well not to talk AT ALL about the precious Jews, if possible, since the least mention can have major league deleterious effects on your “journalism” career. Politicians know of this all too well.

This is where the real reason for PC shows itself. The forces truly behind PC from the beginnings didn’t want too many of us Goyim questioning Israel, or the financial and media control Global Jewry has over the Western world. They have always had plenty of dough to spread around for embedding social taboos and anti-White “MEMES” into our populations – purposeful brainwashing that has put our race into a straight jacket.

The Real Enemy is… INSIDE THE GATE!


Devious Khazar Jewry has not only long been working to brainwash White people with “PC,” but are also behind Globalism, Zionism and immigration of Third Worlders into the White countries of the West. These backstabbing bastards are openly turning our lands into filthy, crime-ridden pig stys and our brains to porridge.

Once the final stages to the New World Order came into play, things will became more and more obvious, maybe even to the braindead. Additionally, long-wished plans for the expansion of sacred Israel in the Mideast will be increasingly difficult to hide. They’ve already captured Jerusalem and mostly removed the Palestinians, the only thing left is rebuilding the Third temple which necessitates them razing the Mosque of the Golden Dome.

Of course, your Muslims are going to be super pissed about that, but what are they going to do if they are too busy at each other throats all the time and don’t have JACK in terms of military power to effectively fight the Zionist entity?

Your regular Jewry are going to say all this is a load of hogwash, they don’t care about such things as Third temples and religion. But that would be a lie. Jews everywhere take perverse pride in lording it over us non-Jews and always have. It’s part of what makes them so “special.”

What the Jews have been doing to our nations for the last fifty years is a kind of “just in time” social engineering — like modern day manufacturing where parts to a whole product arrive right when needed. Part of the end product for Jewry entails the racial castration of the White race, since we may present a threat to their designs at some point.

Folks then might say if you think all this is real, why don’t you ally yourself with the blacks?” Why should we have too? We’re big boys. No, I can see the logic here. But unfortunately, I personally can’t stand by quietly as the criminal and White-hating blacks victimize my people. Besides, blacks are pretty much a worthless race to begin with and would not be much help.

Also, non-aware people sometimes jump to the conclusion us “Jew-haters” think it’s all a DNA thing; everything going down today is simply because Jewish genetics forces them to act in certain ways. White people don’t do things on account of being a White, so how could Jews or any other race take orders from their chromosomes?

This is like a lot of things out there that ask the same thing: Drug addiction, faggotry, criminal behavior. The “nature versus nurture” argument has driven many a person insane — and provided tons for college professors and students to write about over the years.

Jewry is actually a giant “club,” where this antagonistic-to-the-human-race tribe makes each of them think they are so wonderful and brilliant, yet forever victimized by us non-Jewish dumbasses just because they are. For good reason, a lot of people liken them to a giant crime organization – like the Corleone family on steroids, if you will. Of course you hear a lot about Italian Catholic mobsters in the media, but that’s OK, right?

While we argue among ourselves about the stupidest things, Globalist, International Jewry continues it’s guerilla war on our race.

Big Jewry is a savage beast. To ensconce themselves in the highest seats of power, they have used bribery, blackmail, murder, espionage and intimidation against our government officials. To stymie our will to stop them, they have utilized pornography, mass media, the drugging of our young men and the poisoning of our food, water and pharmaceuticals. They have seized the once white-run universities and now scrape off the last slivers of any racial pride that could still conceivably be hanging on. They have infiltrated our white nationalist activist groups with their Jew agents, dirty and compromised individuals like pseudo-Nazi Bill White (Weiss) and the FBI informant Hal Turner. Big Jewry hates white unity and racial awareness and tries to stamp it out at every turn. Why? Because it is potentially one of the most powerful ways that we could unite to smash their power base in the media, in academia and in Hollywood. We have not succeeded on this front and our children and communities now pay the price as our youth are brainwashed, chemically lobotomized and neutered, or are maimed or killed as they spill their blood for the Jew in the Middle East. Our once serene neighborhoods now ring out with the gunfire of minority criminals and are strewn with the garbage tossed into the streets by the Third World dregs welcomed into America by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.

– Patrick Grimm

Each of you White people now here reading needs to awaken as many Whites as possible to this Jewish assault on our race by any means possible.

Oh, I know it won’t be easy. They’ll call you all sorts of things. Hater, Nazi, KKK boy, and the all inclusive “White supremacist.” Many of those around you have been ceaselessly programmed by the media to immediately call you these things, including members of your own family.

Don’t let it get to you. Just smile and congratulate them on how well they followed the programming of the real evil people afflicting America and the entire planet.

Ask them: Don’t they think White people deserve the right to speak out in defense of their race, just like all the rest do? How do they feel about the media censoring stories about Whites getting brutally murdered in South Africa and America by blacks, or why everyone is so expected to believe Israel is our bestest bud in the Mideast?

If they ask you, what’s one got to do with the other? Tell them plenty, bub. You might politely inquire: Do you have a few minutes where I can explain some of the BS, friend? If they blow you off and tell you they don’t, again smile. You needn’t berate yourself if the fool wishes to continue living like an ostrich with his head in the sand.

Explain you don’t hate all Jews. Sure, with what you know, you might really want to castrate (or worse) each and every single Jew SOB out there, but you needn’t go into such pleasant details with a newbie.

Just tell them you’re angry as hell because Big Globalist Jewry is obviously working at turning our lands into crap holes for the NWO – while race baiting the blacks so Whiteys feel guilty 24/7 and pushing all sorts of crazy filth down our throats. You have had quite enough of this “politically correct” crap anymore and will now say whatever GD thing you want, regardless of people being sensitive and pussified like the bastards want us.

And they will be some who come out and agree with you, right then and there. Hell, they’ll probably thank you for having the guts to speak out.

They can’t put you in jail, at least not yet. Sure, we all know the bastards want to eventually. That’s more than enough reason right there to tell people to their face what you truly think.

Thank you.


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