The Blood Eagle
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The Tipping Point...

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The Tipping Point... Empty The Tipping Point...

Post  MikeSandy Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:06 pm

AUGUST 19, 2013

The Tipping Point

What is White America’s tipping point and have we crossed it? It is now official that white deaths have outnumbered births and we are a declining population. These articles also report how we should be indebted to the onslaught of third world immigration as it will be these Africans, Hispanics and Asians that will basically be supporting our sorry white asses as we retire.

This is the equivalent of someone stealing your home, the home that you built and paid for and then being thankful because they let you rent a room in it.

These articles also report that this white decline was buffered by some white immigration in the amount of 188,000. Let’s think about this, 188,000 vs. 11 million. Combine that with no welfare for working class families which contribute to a birth decline and no affirmative action programs, then you actually have a hardship rather than a privilege.

According to Article 2 of the U.N. Convention, Genocide is defined as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.” Isn’t this criterion already being met, I think it is.

Despite the outrage over a lack of justice for Trayvon, media continues to ignore the Black on White violence that occurs in America and even when blacks are arrested for perpetrating crimes against whites it continues to NOT carry the hate crime charge. Three blacks brutally beat a white boy on a bus, while it did get some media attention, one of them was just released with nine months probation for his crime, yet no riots in the street for justice were anywhere to be seen. There are many more of these crimes that go unnoticed by the bias media. The FBI stat is actually that Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa and that while there is a myth that blacks are really only killing blacks the truth is, Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.

With these stats it becomes evident that yes, members of a group are being killed or caused serious bodily harm. The fact alone that we are not even allowed under the current politically correct Nazi regime to have any form of white pride, would also indicate that yes, there are deliberate hardships placed upon us which will bring about our demise; including, the lack of immigration of whites and the lack of incentives to have 6 kids without any federal or state funding. This would also constitute a measure imposed to prevent births within the group.

So you might say well that last tenant is not occurring, where children are transferred from one group to another. Well I beg to differ, when the liberal media and Hollywood whores continue to promote inter-racial relationships your grandchildren will no longer be white. In which I am referring to the differences in Caucasian, idiot and Mongoloid people or species. There are inherent racial differences between Blacks, Whites, Hispanics and Asians. Different does not have to implicate good or bad. There are good black, brown and yellow people and bad white people. However, what is wrong with people of a certain group wanting to keep their natural cultural and biological likeness?

The agenda of the far left is to deny biology and natural law, all this while eliminating God from the equation as well. This is to formulate one entire sub-species of people whom have no ethnic, racial or national pride, because it will be this sub-species of people that make “good slaves”. If you think this is just a white supremacist rant look into some interesting facts from an article that was written by a group of California scientists. If this is what the Kool-Aid factory reports, I imagine it to be much worse.

Gene flow from non-Caucasians into the US Caucasian population has been modest. On the other hand, gene flow from Caucasians into African Americans has been greater; several studies have estimated the proportion of Caucasian admixture in African Americans to be approximately 17%, ranging regionally from about 12% to 23%. Thus, despite the admixture, African Americans remain a largely African group, reflecting primarily their African origins from a genetic perspective. Asians and Pacific Islanders have been less influenced by admixture and again closely represent their indigenous origins. The same is true for Native Americans, although some degree of Caucasian admixture has occurred in this group as well.

Perhaps this 17% is not enough and we have to up the ante, is this why even after all the cheerios commercials and Hollywood portrayals of mixed race individuals and pairing, we now have false representation of medical/genetic conditions on TV, check out the new ad for DNA 23, that has a black man stating hemochromatosis, wouldn’t this be more accurate if he stated sickle cell anemia. It is this subtle form of advertising that is stealing our heritage. Apparently we are not even allowed to have our own diseases anymore, or is this a pre-cursor to the slave sub-species that may very well carry the remnants of a white race as part of a genetic admixture. (Quoted from same article: even higher frequency alleles are found only in specific races for example, cystic fibrosis and hemochromatosis in Caucasians).

If there is no God, than Darwin’s survival of the fittest should please the liberal left. But they deny their own tenants. The very aspect of having a “fittest winner” in nature, would inherently imply that there are losers, as we well know, they are running the white house. In fact without welfare, affirmative action and other politically correct agendas many would fall to their own devices across all racial divides rather than be a thriving population.

I am not saying that whites are immune by the nature of being white, as there is plenty of trailer park trash to prove otherwise. What I am saying is that in a normal system, those that are more intelligent, physically stronger or whatever trait that is naturally selected for, such as a good work ethic or a moral code, is what will allow the species to survive. Women are no longer picking mates based on these traits rather than a cross-breeding free for all. Men are no longer “manning up”, rather than worrying about their skinny jeans. We have continually lowered the bar and now we are regressing into a third world nation, because the politically correct agenda continues to demand that we are all equal. If we were all truly equal why would we need to lower the bar in the first place?

We are now at the tipping point, where free-loaders and slackers are encouraged and people who believe in hard work and family are being suppressed and yes that predominantly falls within an American way of life that was created by our fore fathers and existed more during the predominance and influx of the White European Christian people. This is what America was and this is what immigrants used to aspire to. This is no longer true and yes I believe that it constitutes a form of genocide.

The truth is this; the racial divide in America is getting greater as the leftist communist multicultural agenda gets pushed. There will be no easing of this agenda if we continue to remain silent. When will enough be enough? We can keep moving, as white flight does continue. Take a look at Detroit, Chicago and now New York is on the path of these cities, especially with the elimination of stop and frisk. Recently there was a “10 happiest states” slideshow on yahoo. Maine, Washington, Vermont, New Hampshire, you get the picture. Where will you go next when there is nowhere left to run, when there is no Elysium to remain silent in? If you think it is not coming, ask yourself, where will the onslaught of criminals released early in California and the 11 million stampede to?

I am guilty of sticking my head in the sand myself, so I don’t say this with judgment. I become overwhelmed with the status quo and feel helpless. I know it is not a matter if you can’t beat them join them so I isolate and try to ignore it. This is what they want our silent complicity. It is fight or flight, and flight no longer works as the parasites will continue to follow. Quite simply it is FIGHT or DIE time.


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Join date : 2011-07-28

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